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Old Mill Trail Parking Lot Reopens

Posted Thursday, August 22, 2024

Now Meeting Forest Service Trail Accessibility Standards

DALTON & HINSDALE, Massachusetts—Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC), a nationally accredited land trust serving Berkshire County, has completed renovations to its Old Mill Trail parking lot to provide accessible entry to its trailhead. The parking lot and portions of the trail, located along Route 8 in Hinsdale, now meet Forest Service Trail Accessibility standards, and are accessible for wheelchairs, strollers, and other mobility devices.  

The 127-acre Old Mill Trail land parcel provides walking access to the East Branch of the Housatonic River. The land was originally conserved by Crane & Company with MassWildlife. The entities initially collaborated with the Housatonic Valley Association to build the trail. BNRC acquired the property in 2016. 

This portion of the Housatonic is unpolluted, and is a popular spot for fishing, birdwatching, and wildflowers. The trail also has a series of numbered signposts identifying important historical elements of the property, which can be read via a brochure or on the BNRC website. 

The trail extends three miles, with an accessible segment in the first 1.4 miles offering a compacted, crushed stone trail following the river north to a bench platform. A grant awarded by MassTrails funded trail improvements in 2021 and 2023, including significant sections of resurfacing, an expanded platform at the terminus of the crushed stone section, and improvements to the bridge decking, to ensure that the trail was both accessible and sustainable over the long term. More information about trail composition, width, grade and slope are detailed on the Old Mill Trail webapge.

“BNRC reserves and trails seek to provide a variety of opportunities for everyone of all ages and mobility considerations to get outside and in nature,” said Doug Brown, BNRC Director of Stewardship. 

Work to bring this parking lot up to accessibility standards has been a priority for BNRC. The organization is grateful to Meg Bandarra from Unpaved Trails for All who initiated conversations about the lot’s accessibility and continues to work in partnership with BNRC staff through its DEIAB team. 

“I'm thrilled BNRC was able to upgrade accessibility at this site, I look forward to visiting the trail and experiencing the improvements. As an organization, BNRC has been working to make outdoor recreation more inclusive of people of all abilities, and I've been happy to partner with them," said Bandarra. 

Visit this and other BNRC reserves for free year-round from dawn to dusk. 

Learn more about BNRC’s Old Mill Trail here or contact Doug Brown, BNRC Director of Stewardship, at dbrown@