BNRC’s Work
Conservation and BNRC
Protecting Land, Providing Access
Through conservation (protecting land) and stewardship (the day-to-day care for the habitat) BNRC ensures the well-being of the landscape that surrounds and sustains us. As the climate changes, it is more urgent than ever to create resilience in the landscape that will protect life. Conservation, stewardship, and inspiring people to become champions of the earth are all essential to a future for us and the generations to come.

Land Conservation
BNRC protects places of ecological and scenic importance – land that creates connectivity for wildlife, protects water, and sequesters carbon. We do this in several ways, working closely with individual landowners, local land trusts, regional conservaiton partners, and state agencies. Together we can ensure that the land will be under protection in perpetuity – that is, forever. We are always mindful that the Berkshires are the ancestral homeland of the Mohican people, and we are working with the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation today to help restore their connection to this land.

Caring for the land takes scientifically informed active management.
Whether mowing a field for the benefit of grassland birds, felling trees to recreate old-growth-like forests, or battling invasive plant species that crowd out natives and harm the web of life, BNRC is working to ensure the health of the land under our care.

Farms and Farmers
Farmland is the most threatened land in the Berkshires. BNRC is developing new tools to protect our farms and ensure future access to farmland, one farm at a time.

Trails and Access
BNRC maintains 60+ miles of trails that are free and open to all levels and abilities, thanks to donors.
Whether you are looking for a rugged hike over a mountain ridge, a meander alongside a river searching for tadpoles with your children, or an outing for a wheelchair or stroller, BNRC builds and maintains trails for you.
Each trail is thoughtfully designed to ensure that visitors don’t harm sensitive habitats, with special and beautiful features such breathtaking vistas, historical relics, and fascinating signs of wildlife. Almost all BNRC lands are open to hunting, as well as fishing, mountain biking, birdwatching, nature photography, and more.
The High Road is BNRC’s long-term trail initiative to connect towns to towns and towns to trail, significantly broadening outdoor accessibility for all Berkshire communities.

Community Programs
There are many ways to enjoy the Berkshire outdoors and join BNRC, from volunteer workdays, community science, and educational programs, to nature walks and resources in offered in both English and Spanish.