BNRC Celebrates 50 Years of Landkeeping

Berkshire Natural Resources Council marks our 50th anniversary this year with a series of special hikes and walks, a community celebration and a self-guided scavenger hunt on BNRC lands.
BNRC’s founding was rooted in a desire to ensure that the rural character, scenic vistas and unspoiled landscapes of the Berkshires remain its treasures for the generations ahead. Today we protect over 21,000 acres of land across the county and maintain 50+ miles of trails. As we look to the next fifty years, it is clear that this is the time for bold ideas. We crafted the High Road, a county-wide partnership uniting community and conservation. BNRC is on the cusp of completing a $5M capital campaign to embark on the High Road.
This year we’ll celebrate and honor the work of the last 50 years, while forging ahead in realizing this vision for the next 50.